A wicker basket filled with orange roses, green leaves, and red berries sits on a table in a festive, decorated room with a pink tufted sofa and a Christmas tree.


As an industry leader, we believe in the In Bloom Florist way of look, style and feel in everything we do, from a professional attitude to a genuine smile that reflects a positive attitude which leads to a great working environment.

Full Time PR & Executive Assistant

Full Time Openings Available.

Job Responsibilities:

Public Relations & Brand Promotion:
• Develop and execute PR strategies to increase awareness of our brands across the community.
• Build and maintain relationships with local media, magazines, bloggers, and influencers to secure press coverage and features.
• Identify collaboration opportunities with other businesses and brands to enhance our visibility.
• Coordinate press releases, editorial placements, and media outreach to get our businesses in the spotlight.
• Organize photo shoots and branding campaigns to ensure strong visual storytelling.

Community & Event Engagement:
• Establish partnerships with local businesses, organizations, and community leaders.
• Plan and manage event sponsorships, networking opportunities, and community involvement initiatives to enhance brand presence.
• Attend community events, markets, and business networking functions to represent and promote our brands.
• Seek out new sponsorship, advertising, and PR opportunities that align with our brand’s values.

Administrative & Executive Support:
• Assist in managing executive calendars, event scheduling, and brand-related meetings.
• Maintain a database of press contacts, event organizers, and potential collaboration partners.
• Draft and coordinate press releases, newsletters, and marketing materials.
• Assist in tracking PR campaigns, event performance, and media coverage.
• Provide general administrative support as needed to ensure smooth business operations.

Qualifications & Skills:
• Strong communication skills—able to engage with media, businesses, and the community effectively.
• Background in PR, marketing, communications, or event planning preferred.
• Highly organized—able to juggle multiple projects and deadlines.
• Self-starter with a proactive approach to finding PR and event opportunities.
• Experience in media outreach, press coordination, or business collaborations is a plus.
• Familiarity with social media and digital PR strategies is a bonus.
• Passion for brand building and creating meaningful community connections.


  • Be part of a growing multi-location business with strong community ties.
  • Make an impact by helping establish and expand our brand presence.
  • Work in a dynamic environment with opportunities to network and collaborate with key players in the industry.
  • Creativity is encouraged! Bring fresh ideas to elevate our PR and marketing efforts.

Job Requirements