We love Kate and Matt’s outlook on life and love. 6 years together and now raising two toddlers, their relationship is still pure romance. Read more about their love below!

Matt (Left) and Kate (Right) with their kids, Leo (Left) and Nora (Right) on a family bike ride.
When and how did you meet?
Matt: “A debatable topic at our house… She says Atlanta, I say Orlando. At the time, we both were in a college bible study group. She was eccentric in a very attractive way. After meeting her, I had more questions than answers, and I liked that. I was determined to learn more!”
Kate: “My claim is a very distinct moment at Passion Conference in Atlanta, I was interested in him from the moment I saw him, however he does not remember meeting me!”
What initially drew you to each other?
Kate: “I had no idea the depths of his heart when I was dating him, however, I loved how he spoke of Jesus, how he was consistently the nicest person I had ever encountered, and he never spoke a bad word about anyone. His extreme good looks and ‘cool’ demeanor were icing on the cake!”
Matt: “She was (and still is) a bad ass with the kindest heart and deep love for God. Never neutral, always confident and beautiful. I just had to be around her all the time!”
What’s your favorite thing to do together?
Kate: “Anything outdoors- tennis games, bike rides, snow skiing, hiking, walks, laying in the front yard with two kids between us, anything on the water– we connect best over activities.”
Matt: “If Kate could live in a tree house in the forest, she would. I’m not that extreme, but we both love being outdoors. In Orlando with two toddlers that means bike rides, boating, tennis, and a lot of walks. When we travel, we like to explore and love skiing. Oh, and food. Yeah, we love food.”
What was your first Valentine’s Day spent together like?
Matt: “I worked way across town and made the surprise trip to her office in Winter Park with gifts and things. It was a small gesture but I hope it went a long way.”
Kate: “All the girls in the office gathered at the balcony window to peek at us down below on the bench, it was so sweet!”
What has been your favorite Valentine’s Day spent together?
Matt: “We like to keep things simple. One of my favorite Valentine’s was skipping a fancy meal and instead have a shopping spree at Whole Foods. We loaded up on wine, cheese, and a bunch of vegan stuff. It turned into a makeshift dinner picnic with lots of conversation and laughter. Afterwards, we ended up going to a fancy restaurant, but just for dessert. I loved it!”
Kate: “I still have all the cards he has given me over the years, those to me are the best part!”
What does Valentine’s Day mean to you?
Kate: “An excuse to celebrate us!”
Matt: “My gosh– its February already?!”
What’s your favorite aspect/characteristic about each other?
Kate: “Just one? His 110% integrity shows across the board, he is humble and upstanding in everything he does. He makes it easy to respect him as much as I love him.”
Matt: “I have many. Kate– she’s playful and passionate; but above all, she’s unconditionally committed to me and our family. She puts full effort and sacrifice into our marriage and raising our two children.”
How do you make time for each other during your day to day lives?
Kate: “I don’t have a certain item to point to, but we both carry the mentality that God is first, our marriage is second, followed by our children, and I think this is what keeps our priorities in check at a daily level.”
Matt: “We do our best to survive the work/kids/life routine until the babysitters come for date night! I cherish our date nights, no matter what we end up doing. It’s also important to me that I spend lunch with her during the work week regularly, the mornings and evenings can be hectic!”
What do your Valentine’s plans for this year look like?
Kate: “Ha! I’m just hoping we can get a babysitter…”
Matt: “Seriously, its February already…?! Hey, a Whole Foods reunion sounds nice to me!”

Kate and Matt’s daughter, Nora, holding the ‘Pure Romance’ bouquet.