The next couple we’d like to share with you are some good friends of our In Bloom Florist family, Kayla and Val: an Orlando couple who after 6 years together and two toddlers later, always make time for each other– even if it’s a night-in on the couch with Chinese food.

Val (Left) and Kayla (Right) enjoying one of their favorite activities: cooking together.
When and how did you meet?
Kayla + Val: “We met in April 2011 at our pastors house, who eventually set us up months later!”
What initially drew you to each other?
Kayla + Val: “It’s hard to pin point what it was. We used to quote the show ‘Friends’ all the time to each other and talk in Spanish to each other (trying to sharpen both of our Spanish speaking), which was just the flirting early on that drew us more inclined to one another.”
What has been your favorite Valentine’s Day spent together?
Kayla + Val: “Our favorite Valentine’s Day would be our 4th one we spent together in 2015. Our first born was only 4 months old. We had Chinese food, lots of chocolates, wine, watched a movie and went to bed early since we were still sleep deprived from having our baby. It was magical!”
What does Valentine’s Day mean to you?
Kayla + Val: “It’s the season when we started dating so it holds a special place to us. We both are not huge ‘Valentine’s Day people’ but it’s a day we get to just focus on each other and spend some great quality time together.”
What’s your favorite thing about each other?
Kayla: “The huge heart Val has for not only me, but for everyone is out of this world. His love for people and investment in them is something I try to live up to every day. Also the passion he has for the things he loves is amazing to watch. There is not just one part of him that is my favorite. The list goes on and on.”
Val: “There isn’t one part of Kayla that is my favorite. There can’t be. Every part of Kayla is my favorite and that’s not a cop out. ‘She’s drop dead gorgeous’ isn’t enough and ‘she makes me better’ is an understatement. It’s more like she defines what beauty means and I am who I am because of her.”
What do your Valentine’s plans for this year look like?
Kayla + Val: “We have two kids 3 and under so our Valentine’s every year now consist of a date night in after we put the kids to bed with: Chinese food, lots of chocolates, a bottle of red wine, a movie, and cuddling up on the sofa!”

Our “Organic Love” arrangement.