March Flower Of The Month: Peonies
Family: Paeoniaceae

The March flower of the month is the peony. This flower is a favorite among (mostly) everyone! These fluffy blooms are a staple in weddings, and everyday arrangements. They represent love, honor, wealth, romance, and beauty! Find out more below.

Native To: Asia, Europe, and Western North America.
In The Wild: You can find wild peonies in the temperate northern hemisphere. They can be found in Asia or Europe in the West.
Peony Care

In a Vase
Peonies are best when you receive them closed in an arrangement. This way they last longer and you can experience the full blooming process! Be sure to cut their stems every 2 days and switch out the water with fresh cold water that has flower food in it. If you keep this up your peony arrangement will last up to 1 week.
Growing in your garden:
Unfortunately growing peonies is pretty difficult in Florida due to the heat index. They thrive in cooler climates where Winter is a legitimate season.
Symbolism and Fun Facts

Peonies are the #1 asked for floral in luxury bouquets and wedding work.
These fluffy blooms are not found in Florida or anywhere the climate is hot and humid.
They are Spring blooming flowers, which is why they are incredibly difficult to find outside of the Springtime months.
Peonies start off as tiny closed buds and blossom into fluffy blooms.
If you gently massage their petals you can make your peony bloom!
There are 33 recognized peony species.
Some varieties include the Moutan Peony, Chinese Peony, Tree Peony, Paeonia Anomala, among others.
Peonies have a soft, floral smell to them. The scent resembles Jasmine or Rose.
